Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

JJ France Chinen Yuri & Takaki Yuya - Episode 05

Minna... you can watch here

if you want can use Video Downloader For Youku
if not..wait my update ne~

Download Here

Preview :

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

JJ France Chinen Yuri & Takaki Yuya - Episode 4

Minna...ini dia JJ France Takachii Ep.4
tapi gomen ya....cuma bisa ngasich watch/stream nya saja....
coz belum da yang share link download,....
karena lebaran udah dekat...jadi agak susah juga kalo aku mu upload....
maaf ya

Watch Here

Ah Minna,....
you can download Here

credit :

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Chinen Yuri - Scan Cut (Okt)

[Dorama] SPROUT!! Episode 12 *Final* - Eng Sub

did you finish download SPROUT!! eps 11???
ah you must download Final Episode ne~
you can download here

Oke minna...sekarang Dormaa Sprout sudah finish
mungkin kita harus sabar kapan ya kira-kira Chii akan punya Dorama baru???
aku berharap secepatnya...XD

Terima Kasih telah menuggu , dan terus update...
aku harap kalian puas dengan blog tak seberapa ini....

Yourishiku na~

[Dorama] SPROUT!! Episode 11 - Eng Sub

finally Arisu-chan make it....XD
we must say.....100000000000 thanks for girl ne~

oke lets download here

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Chinen & Takaki - JJ France Ep. 03

i just can share watching video from youku for you
you can see here

Ah, i will update next time....
so please wait,,,,

Ah minna... you can download Here

See Preview

Credit : CherryCheekedLove@blog
Image : Jpopchanel@blog


Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Notice : I just wanna share if you want

Minna-san, Everybody, everyone, my visitor, jumper or anyone who you are...
thanks for follow and be my follower in my blog,
i dont know, how much i have can i give you...
but now,,,sometime make me so bored to make something post...
ah...coz i really busy in my job,,,
i just make some post, when i have rest time...and that's sometime make me so tired...
and really havent mood to do something, else rest and break up,,,,

minna...i just wanna say...maybe sometime i not share onething about JUMP, CHII, or NYC
i hope you understand, but if i have i will give you....
but i'm not promise to be so quickly....coz,, i just can do it when i have time....

ah...minna, gomenne not be a good blogger..but i really fun when i can share with you,,,
i hope i have much idea and information to give to you....
but you know i'm not interest with else if else member in jump have something news...maybe i not share with you... so really sorry....

minna, sorry about my bad english... i'm a pasive when i do something in active, really bad ne~


Ah,  minna... i have Jacketshooting HSJ First PhotoBook , i can give you a link where i faound...coz she say she will locked thats link...
so if yu want, i will upload for you...
and share....thanks...

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

[Program] Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou 2012.10.06

Minna...Bukannya udah biasakan lihat anak School Kakumei di Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou????!!!
nach juga udah biasa kan lihat jump disana, jump disini,
kali ini jump high lagi...
walo ternyata kali ini chii cuma berada di no.2
tappi chii terlalu kawai...XPPDD

Nach ini ada videonya kalo kamu watching *stream in youku*
tapi cuma part bagian jump high kamu bisa lihat disini

ah, kali ini ada yuya juga selain yamada, tapi sayangnya ga ada hika kali ini....X{

See Here

Full Version : Here

Credit : youku

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Chinen-Takaki JJ France - Ep. 2

lets watch Takchii in Hirameki...XD

Update :
Download Here

Preview :

Credit Image : JPopChanel@blog

\Minna if you want download in youku you can download with
but that's in 4 part....
i hope i have many time to join and upload...\but i cant promise...X{
so i hope you can try it..XD

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

[Program] Yuto Nakajima in Hirameki Dennou Game Pikacchi

tumbenkan aku ngasih link yang ga ada Chinen nya?!
tapi kali ini, aku juga merasa ingin berbagi yg aku dapat...
jadi ini dia beritanya...XDDPP

tau kan kalau Yuto ikut di game Hirameki Dennou Game Pikacci

Mau doenload???
kamu bisa dowload disini....

Download Here

Credit : goodlucknight@lj

NB : Minna karena aku sendiri ga download ini video,
jadi kalo ada masalah sama linknya, kalian harus tanya sama owner ljnya ya...
aku cuma mau berbagi sama kalian aja...XD
hope you be enjoyed..XD

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

[Performance] Perfect Life - Hey! Say! JUMP (Shounen Cut)

Lets watch and see performance HSJ in Shounen Club at 2012.10.03
they sing Perfect Life,
and if you fans of Ryosuke Yamada
you can see he play Saxephone ...
you can see here

video from Video.Sina.Cn

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Chinen - Takaki - Episode 1 *ntahlah*

you can see here
or download here
or here

preview :

credit pictur : jpopchanel@blogspot

credit : jumpingtomyheart@blogpot

[Dorama] SPROUT!! Episode 12 *Final Episdoe* - Not Sub

maaf telat ya...
tapi karena lagi2 aku ga bisa basa-basi disini...
kalian download sendiri disini ya...
Download Here

pw : raiyared

Credit : ~ shouhei`

Credit Share : Sprout [スプラウト]@facebook