I really never know...how anyone can read japanness...in kanji, hiragana, or katakana...i really-really confused when see its...
but thanks verymuch for anypeople had translate Hey!Say!JUMP magazine in english...yach...my english never be better, but i can learn to be better now...
for anyone wanna read them magazine i just can give link...but not translate...coz they havent premission..
1. http://chinenpuccino.livejournal.com
He have anytranslate about Chinen Yuri, coz he like him...
but if you want read, you must join with lifejournal.com, and join with his community, but you must remember, someday his not always accept your request, but i think you can try it,
2. http://cherrycheekedlove.blogspot.com/
You can find anyvideo, photo and scan megazine, but you must can read spain, coz he need thats lenguange in blog...but you must remember again, anyfile not have translate or subtitle,
ops...and when your download not be correct address or anything problem, you can ask them, *you know about MU, or FileUploadServer close*, if you find file can open, that maybe becouse that...
2. http://kamichan.com/
him some with no.2, but his website in english...^^ you can funz there, but anyfile not have translate or subtittle english...
Now, just that i can give...
maybe some day...if i find new link i will share with you,
ops...*gomenne for not good grammar or english lenguage...^^*
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